Paradise Valley Rules
This reserve is managed by the natural resources management branch of the park department as part of the councils metropolitan open space system with the below rules.
In order for you and other users of the reserve to continue enjoying the facility, please note the following rules.
1.No entry without first paying at the office(oxford road).
2.No pets allowed.
3.No open fires are allowed except at designated braai sites.
4.Bicycles are only permitted on the road and shayamoya trail.
5.No motorised vehicles allowed(except wheelchairs).
6.No littering.
7.No alcohol is permitted at the reserve.
8.No hunting, chasing, disturbing or damage to any animal or plants is
9.Please report any incidents of dumping, vagrants, arson or any other
problems to 7023443/7183507 (office hours) or (for after hours and
serious incidents) to the metro police at 031 709 0808.
Failure to abide by the rules and regulations will result in eviction
from the reserve and prosecution.
The ethekwini municipality accepts no responsibility for any death,
injury, illness or loss sustained or suffered by any person or any
theft/damage to property that may occur while using this facility.